Packaged supply of electrochemical protection equipment
The PSS Corporation has been a reliable supplier and manufacturer of modern electrochemical protection and remote monitoring equipment for steel structures of all types for more than 20 years. The PSS Corporation is ready to offer to the United Arab Emirates market production, survey, service, engineering and supply of cathodic protection equipment.
The PSS Corporation includes a research center, where new products of the ECP field are designed, developed, patented and put into serial production of unique operational characteristics products. PSS Corporation enterprises are located in the territory of the Russian Federation, and the equipment produced there meets the current quality standards due to the control at each stage of production. The quality of the products is confirmed by the certificates of RST, GAZSERT, GAZPROMSERT, as well as the of the equipment being included into the registers of Gazprom PJSC and Transneft PJSC.
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