«Volga Engineering Center» LLC

Integrated supply of humidifiers/coolers
The «Volga Engineering Center» LLC brings to the United Arab Emirates market an innovative humidifier/cooler of the IA series, operating in the evaporation mode. The product is designed specifically for operation in conditions of hot and dry climate both separately (air cooling in street and beach cafes) and as a part of air treatment systems in residential premises and industrial buildings. The compact design and dimensions of the IA series humidifier/cooler allow it to be used in all air treatment installations.
The «Volga Engineering Center» LLC has been engaged in design, production and installation of equipment made of polymer composite materials for more than 10 years. In particular, elements of supply and exhaust shafts, wedge-belt fans are manufactured by means of rolling. The enterprise also has an experience in making complex and bulky systems from composite materials. LLC «VEC» carries out the whole complex of works from the development of the gas disposal system design to the ventilation & control systems' elements manufacture. LLC «VEC» performs installation, commissioning and service maintenance of equipment.
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