JSC «SoyuzPishcheprom» corporation»

Supply of natural and environmentally friendly food and beverages (grain and cereals, flour, pasta, breakfast flakes, vegetable oils, vegetable beverages)
SoyuzPishcheprom is a group of companies producing wholesome and tasty food products for the entire family. Trademarks Tsar, SoyuzPishcheprom, and Zdorovoye Menu are well known not only throughout Russia. The products have been exported to the CIS states and further abroad countries: the USA, Germany, UAE, PRC, Israel, Turkey, etc.
The extrinsic value of the products under these trademarks lies in the well-established client service management system and mitigation of risks associated with quality and timeliness of delivery. SoyuzPishcheprom has been successfully cooperating with the biggest federal and regional chains.
Numerous green passports, a medal from the International Ecological Fund, and other awards from exlusive Russian and international food exhibitions, such as Mellow Autumn, ProdExpo, WorldFood Moscow demonstrate the quality of SoyuzPishcheprom’s products!
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