Pilot Pro LLC

QR-post is an interactive urban “electronic paper” stands for paperless advertising (own R&D project; stage – SW/HW functional prototypes ready and tested)
QR-post is a network of displays based on «electronic paper» (over 42”), unified by communication channels and a server platform, located inside and outside buildings, at transport stations and in inside public transport. Stands show commercial ads, information and other content, independently published by private, commercial and municipal users through a mobile app by scanning the QR code of the specific stand or remotely via the web interface at several stands simultaneously. All ads and posts are automatically moderated and appear on display in turn. The server platform could be integrated with external systems and services.
Ppoject goals:
- digitalization of the outdated format of bulletin boards with paper ads and the entire method of posting / updating / reading information on them;
- creation of an accessible legitimate advertising, information and communication tool at the borderline between the online and offline;
- improving the efficiency and safety of the distribution and use of advertisements in the urban environment;
- improving the environmental friendliness and aesthetics of the city.
IT Industry
Information Request